City Council
At large
Voters will select up to three candidates.
Steve Austin
(Courtesy) Steve Austin, candidate for Bluffdale City Council's at-large seat.
Occupation: Electrical engineer.
If elected, what would you do to provide more affordable housing options to your residents? Would you support higher-density housing?
Bluffdale has done a good job in providing affordable and higher-density housing with good access to the Interstate 15 corridor. Having that transportation access is important for higher-density areas. As the Geneva property becomes available, it will open up new areas for other higher-density development, which I would support.
What is your city’s responsibility in addressing homelessness, and what would you do within the boundaries of your community to help unhoused Utahns?
Bluffdale has done a good job in offering low-income housing. If elected, I would promote that we continue working with Salt Lake County and with neighboring cities to address homelessness. We must work together with our neighboring partners in addressing homelessness.
Besides affordable housing or homelessness, what is the biggest challenge your city faces, and how would you address it?
One of our biggest issues is funding for our emergency services (police and fire). If elected, I would insist that we budget for emergency services first, before anything else.
What is a fun or unique fact about yourself?
I love growing pumpkins in my garden and giving them away. I grew over 600 last year.
Tony Elegante
No responses.
Ulises Flynn
(Courtesy) Ulises Flynn, candidate for Bluffdale City Council's at-large seat.
Occupation: Engineering manager.
If elected, what would you do to provide more affordable housing options to your residents? Would you support higher-density housing?
In my current role on the Bluffdale planning commission, I’ve supported higher-density projects to help increase the inventory of affordable homes. I’ll continue to look for opportunities in our community where higher-density projects can help.
What is your city’s responsibility in addressing homelessness, and what would you do within the boundaries of your community to help unhoused Utahns?
The reality is that all cities in Utah need to participate to find long-term solutions to homelessness. I would love to see how Bluffdale could help out within larger initiatives in support of the homeless community.
Besides affordable housing or homelessness, what is the biggest challenge your city faces, and how would you address it?
The biggest challenge Bluffdale is currently facing is economic growth to help support increasing needs for fire and safety. There’s also the need to balance new development with the existing larger rural lots that Bluffdale has.
What is a fun or unique fact about yourself?
English is my second language (Spanish being the first), and I also speak Portuguese as well.
Mark Hales
(Courtesy) Mark Hales, candidate for Bluffdale City Council's at-large seat.
Occupation: Attorney.
If elected, what would you do to provide more affordable housing options to your residents? Would you support higher-density housing?
Historically, Bluffdale had a requirement for 1-acre lots. While many areas of Bluffdale are still zoned for 1-acre lots, Bluffdale has developed much of its available land into higher-density housing. As a City Council member, I have seen the city comply with state-issued requirements to meet lower-income standards. While I do not always agree with what the state Legislature compels cities to do, I will make sure the city follows all laws and requirements.
What is your city’s responsibility in addressing homelessness, and what would you do within the boundaries of your community to help unhoused Utahns?
Bluffdale has not had to deal with homelessness at this time and does not have the resources and services to help the unhoused.
Besides affordable housing or homelessness, what is the biggest challenge your city faces, and how would you address it?
The biggest challenge is improving the Fire and Police departments. The city has only had part-time firefighters, but since the city has grown, Bluffdale needs to work to have full-time firefighters. However, the city cannot sacrifice other current basic services provided by the city’s water, public works, and parks departments to hire full-time firefighters and pay the increased salaries to our Police Department.
What is a fun or unique fact about yourself?
I acted in six movies and eight plays. I also helped set the world’s record of the most leapfrogs on leap day.
Eric R. Hawker
No responses.
Billy Hesterman
Occupation: Government affairs specialist, Holland & Hart.
If elected, what would you do to provide more affordable housing options to your residents? Would you support higher-density housing?
I’m a believer in the free market. If the demand is there for additional affordable housing in our city, I would support efforts that allow the market to provide housing situations for all types of potential residents. I would support higher-density options in our city in areas where it makes sense. We do need to ensure all kinds of housing options are available and do it in areas where it benefits the residents of the city.
What is your city’s responsibility in addressing homelessness, and what would you do within the boundaries of your community to help unhoused Utahns?
Our city should continue to support homeless mitigation funding efforts run by the state and continue to support efforts to address homelessness on a statewide basis. Locally, Bluffdale should work with local community partners (churches, nonprofits and businesses) to support those in our city who need a hand up when facing difficult situations.
Besides affordable housing or homelessness, what is the biggest challenge your city faces, and how would you address it?
Growth. With the development of the former prison site taking place right in our backyard, Bluffdale leaders need to be prepared to handle the growth that will come with the project. We need to be prepared for the extra benefits that may come in the form of additional business activity and sales tax collections from the area and the downsides of extra traffic and public safety needs. We need to be thoughtful and strategic in how we work with the Point of the Mountain Development Commission to make this a boon for our city and the greater area.
What is a fun or unique fact about yourself?
I love the Beach Boys.
Alan W. Lord
No responses.
Kelly Ryan Mower
No responses.
Brian James Ostler
No responses.
Kelsi Schouten
No responses.
Erik Swanson
(Courtesy) Erik Swanson, candidate for Bluffdale City Council's at-large seat.
Occupation: Software engineering manager.
If elected, what would you do to provide more affordable housing options to your residents? Would you support higher-density housing?
Bluffdale has more than doubled in population over the past 10 years, and will continue to grow as more land is redeveloped from mining and agriculture. The majority of that growth has come from higher-density housing, including low-income housing projects. As a planning commissioner, I have participated in our city’s housing plan and will continue to work with the City Council to evolve the plan and evaluate new projects against that plan. I also hope that we can continue to evolve our city’s accessory dwelling unit, or ADU, ordinances to help increase housing opportunities across our lower-density neighborhoods.
What is your city’s responsibility in addressing homelessness, and what would you do within the boundaries of your community to help unhoused Utahns?
Bluffdale is a small community that provides opportunities for low-income housing, hosts businesses that provide services to those that are at high risk for homelessness and participates in regional initiatives to reduce homelessness.
Besides affordable housing or homelessness, what is the biggest challenge your city faces, and how would you address it?
Bluffdale, like many communities, is facing challenges due to the economy and high inflation. This has keenly hit the city’s ability to attract and retain the public safety professionals of our Fire and Police departments. We need to increase the number of full-time personnel and increase wages for our part-time firefighters to create the demand needed to fully staff our department every day.
What is a fun or unique fact about yourself?
I once helped rescue a sea lion.
Gregory D. Wilding
(Courtesy) Gregory D. Wilding, candidate for Bluffdale City Council's at-large seat.
Occupation: Professional land surveyor.
If elected, what would you do to provide more affordable housing options to your residents? Would you support higher-density housing?
There is a great need for affordable housing and higher-density housing in Utah. My business, Wilding Engineering, works hard to assist developers in addressing this issue throughout the state. Bluffdale has approved many high-density housing projects and continues to support and approve these projects in locations that make good long-term planning sense. I will continue to support these projects and encourage residents and other council members to be tolerant of these types of projects and to be engaged in the process of addressing the housing crisis within our own city. We certainly have a duty to our existing residents to transition between different residential zones with good planning and consideration for everyone, and I intend to do so.
What is your city’s responsibility in addressing homelessness, and what would you do within the boundaries of your community to help unhoused Utahns?
Homelessness is a rapidly growing concern in our county. Much of it is the result of rampant illegal drug use. This crisis has been accelerated and exacerbated by the huge influx of drugs, illegal immigration and human trafficking at our country’s porous borders. I will continue to encourage my constituents to vote for responsible conservative leadership at the state and federal level so that appropriate policies can be implemented to protect our country from what I see to be a big contributor to homelessness. It is difficult for a small city to find the budget or resources to assist in any effective way with the massive homelessness challenge. I plan to work under the guidance and direction of our state leaders to make policy decisions to assist wherever we can. I will also work to fund our police force to prevent illegal drug activity within our city.
Besides affordable housing or homelessness, what is the biggest challenge your city faces, and how would you address it?
Bluffdale has been overwhelmed by dirty politics and by a very vocal minority that seemingly opposes every decision our city leaders make. I’ve heard the acronym CAVE used to describe Citizens Against Virtually Everything. If the idea was not their idea, then it’s not a good idea. I consider these good folks my friends, and we need to work together as friends and respected associates to find good compromises that will benefit everyone. I hope to help constituents understand that city politics and financial responsibilities are complicated and challenging for the best of us, but also that we can find positive and encouraging solutions to those problems. I know that if we will work together in a spirit of cooperation and transparency, each of us can continue to be proud of the great city of Bluffdale that we call home.
What is a fun or unique fact about yourself?
I am an outdoorsman who enjoys camping, fishing, hunting and mountain biking with my awesome family and friends.