
Poll: Most Utahns don’t want Trump to run in 2024

Only 43% of Utah Republicans would vote for Trump in a presidential primary election.

Even though former President Donald Trump carried Utah twice, a slight majority of Utah voters don’t want him to run for president again in 2024.

A new poll from OH Predictive Insights shows 35% of Beehive State voters say Trump should launch another campaign for president, but 53% say Trump should not run again.

Fifty-three percent of Republican voters want the former president to be the GOP nominee in 2024, while 63% of independent voters and 84% of Democrats don’t want to see him on the ballot again.

Courtesy OH Predictive Insights

“Even in a state that former President Trump won in the 2020 election, a majority of Utah’s electorate isn’t interested in a ‘Trump comeback,’” said Mike Noble, OHPI Chief of Research in a press release. “With only a fifth of Independents and even fewer Democrats wanting Trump to run again, he may not be a viable candidate in the Beehive State next time around.”

Trump has not announced whether he plans to launch another bid for the White House.

Only 43% of Republican voters say they would vote for Trump in a GOP primary if the former president does run. If Sen. Mitt Romney was on a primary ballot, 20% of Utah Republicans say they would support the senator in a hypothetical primary against Trump. Nine percent would vote for former Vice President Mike Pence, while seven percent say they’d cast a ballot for Florida Gov. Ron Desantis, who made a fundraising trip to Utah in July.

Trump gets the most support from non-LDS GOP voters (59%), Republicans who live in the southern rural areas of the state and GOP voters who earn less than $50,000 per year.

Republicans who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are not fans of the former president, as only 34% would vote for him in a primary election. GOP voters who are more affluent and over 55 years old are also less supportive of Trump.

Courtesy OH Predictive Insights

If Trump were not to run for president, Utah Republican voters think Mitt Romney is the preferred candidate, but only 21% of Republicans would vote for him. Desantis is in second place with 18% and Pence comes in third with 13% support in the hypothetical primary.

Courtesy OH Predictive Insights

The survey was conducted from Nov. 5-15, 2021, among 671 registered Utah voters who participated through an online opt-in panel. The survey has a margin of error +/- 3.8%.

Toplines and crosstabs are available here.