
Cox joins other GOP governors in slamming Biden border policy

The letter requests a meeting at the White House to discuss the situation within 15 days.

Gov. Spencer Cox joined more than two dozen other Republican governors in a letter blasting the “national security crisis” they say was created by President Joe Biden’s policies at the border.

The letter says states have borne the brunt of “eight months of unenforced borders,” and the governors demand “Biden take immediate action to stem the tide of illegal border crossings.”

“The months-long surge in illegal crossings has instigated an international humanitarian crisis, spurred a spike in international criminal activity, and opened the flood gates to human traffickers and drug smugglers endangering public health and safety in our states,” the letter reads.

The letter comes as the Biden administration is moving swiftly to expel thousands of Haitian migrants who are camped around a bridge in Texas after crossing through Mexico. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the closure of six stations along the U.S. — Mexico border to slow down a surging number of migrants attempting to cross into the U.S.

“Not only has the federal government created a crisis, it has left our states to deal with challenges that only the federal government has a duty to solve. We must end the current crisis and return to border operations that respect the laws of our land and the lives of all people, including those in our states looking to the federal government to enforce and protect our nation’s borders,” they wrote.

The letter requests a meeting at the White House to discuss the situation within 15 days.

In May, Gov. Cox signed on to a letter with 18 other Republican governors blaming the Biden administration for the situation at the southern border. That letter said the border crisis was “entirely due to reckless federal policy reversals” during the first 100 days of Biden’s presidency.

Gov. Gox’s office did not immediately return a request for comment.

Joint letter to President Biden to meet on the border by The Salt Lake Tribune on Scribd