
Utah politicians wish Trump a safe recovery, and warn others to take coronavirus seriously

Utah politicians on Friday rushed onto social media to wish President Donald Trump a safe recovery from COVID-19 — including Rep. Ben McAdams who was hit hard himself by the disease.

“Julie and I are keeping the President and First Lady in our thoughts and praying for their speedy recovery,” McAdams said. “As someone who has had this virus, I know how terrible it can be. I continue to urge everyone to follow public health guidelines so we can reduce the spread.”

[Read more: Sen. Mike Lee has the coronavirus]

Even though McAdams recovered from the disease, he continued to wear a mask in public — saying doctors tell him he is low-risk, but not no-risk.

McAdams came down with COVID-19 early, just after some Utah Jazz players tested positive and the NBA season was canceled. He ended up in a hospital intensive care unit for eight days on oxygen.

“I lost 13 pounds in the hospital,” he said after he was released. “The COVID diet is not a diet I’d recommend.”

McAdams has said that while he is 45 years old and healthy, “this still hit me hard.”

Several other Utah politicians, all Republicans, also tweeted out recovery wishes to the president, and some warnings to the public.

Rep. John Curtis tweeted, that the Trumps contracting COVID-19 ″further validates how serious this is and how we all need to take precaution. I extend my best wishes for a speedy recovery to both of them."

Sen. Mitt Romney tweeted, “Ann and I wish the President and First Lady a swift and complete recovery. Our prayers are with them and all the others who have been afflicted with illness.”

Rep. Chris Stewart tweeted, “God bless President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS. Praying for their quick & full recovery.”

Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox — who is also the Republican nominee for governor — tweeted, “Abby and I will keep the First Family in our prayers and wish them a speedy recovery.”