
Utah Rep. Ben McAdams endorses Mike Bloomberg for president

Rep. Ben McAdams, D-Utah, endorsed fellow moderate Democrat Mike Bloomberg for president on Friday, saying he is the candidate best able to bring together a divided government.

“Mike is someone who will listen, do what’s right, and work across party lines to get things done,” McAdams said in a prepared statement.

The endorsement is not a surprise. McAdams hosted Bloomberg for a meet and greet during the former New York City mayor’s visit to Utah earlier this month.

“Washington is full of people who talk, and our country is desperately in need of a doer like Mike who puts people ahead of politics,” McAdams said.

The former mayor of Salt Lake County also praised Bloomberg’s work as mayor of New York City.

“As mayor, he brought people from all corners of the world together to solve big problems and I am confident he will do the same as president,” McAdams said. “He’s our best shot to restore fiscal responsibility in Washington and to address critical issues like access to quality health care.”

[Read more: Bernie Sanders leading in Utah Democratic poll]

Bloomberg thanked McAdams for his support.

"I'm honored to have the support of Congressman McAdams, a former mayor who understands the importance of getting things done,” Bloomberg said. "In Utah and in Congress, he's led on the issues critical to this election, taking action to create jobs, improve education, and expand access to affordable health care for every American. I'm looking forward to working with him to bring people together and rebuild America."

McAdams represents one of the most Republican-leaning districts held by a Democrat and won his election by fewer than 700 votes two years ago.

A recent Salt Lake Tribune/Suffolk University poll showed Bloomberg in the top tier of Democrats on the ballot for Utah’s March 3 primary — but running fourth behind progressives Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and fellow moderate Joe Biden.