
Political Cornflakes: National Parks Service says Trump’s border wall will damage archaeological sites

A study conducted by the National Park Service found the construction of President Donald Trump’s wall along the southwestern border would significantly damage or destroy more than 20 archaeological sites at a natural park in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert. Scientists have found stone tools, rock shelters, artifacts and ancient engravings in the area. [NYTimes]

Happy Wednesday!

Topping the news: Record numbers of new apartments have gone up in Salt Lake City — but they’ve done little to slow rental rates, which continue to climb. [Trib]

-> Utah legislators spent Tuesday trying to figure out what the state of Utah will look like in decade or two amid long-term challenges created by fast growth. [Trib] [Fox13]

-> A new audit shows that Utah’s driver license database — host to millions of names, birth dates, fingerprints and Social Security numbers — falls short of security password standards. [Trib] [DNews]

-> In an effort to address scooter sidewalk ridership in Salt Lake City, the mayor’s office is threatening to crack down on e-scooter regulations. [Trib]

Tweets of the day: From @aedwardslevy: “as sunset comes earlier, big data loses ground to big nighta”

-> From @byrdinator: “WASHINGTON — two lawmakers walking side by side after House votes come to the realization that they are wearing the same red tie, blue shirt, jacket, and khakis”

From @Susan_Hennessey: “Here’s a free idea for Democrats: Use inherent contempt authority to fine Lewandowski $10,000 for every day he refuses to answer a question absent a valid assertion of privilege.”

Happy Birthday: To Ricky Hatch, Weber County’s clerk/auditor.

Also in the news: Arguing that presidential aides are immune from subpoenas regarding their service in the administration, the White House blocked the testimony of former senior adviser Rob Porter, a former chief of staff to Sen. Orrin Hatch and top aide to Sen. Mike Lee, before the House Judiciary Committee. [Trib]

-> During Monday’s one-day special legislative session, Utah lawmakers appropriated $1 million to pay for promotional and outreach efforts for the census. [Trib] [KUTV]

-> Years of illegal dumping of trash, tires and other debris has led the Salt Lake City Council to consider whether to temporarily close a portion of public road on 2100 South in order to address what they call a public health and public safety risk. [Trib]

-> Russ Fugal, a Draper political independent, is hoping to unseat Rep. John Curtis with a campaign slogan that makes nod to his message of restoring Bears Ears National Monument, ending reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating the dangers of artificial intelligence. [Trib]

-> Chris Biesinger, a family nurse practitioner from Spanish Fork and a Utah National Guard captain, has entered the race to represent Utah’s 4th Congressional District. [DNews]

-> Pat Bagley depicts his view on Trump’s remark that he would wait for Saudi response on the recent oil field strike. [Trib]

Nationally: Trump’s former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, confirmed before the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday that the president had once asked him to “curtail the scope of the Russia investigation." [NYTimes]

-> Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is making a spontaneous trip to the Mideast as Iran rules out talks with the United States amid concerns that tensions may spiral into military conflict. [WaPost]

-> U.S. defense officials were ordered to plan potential responses to the strike on Saudi Arabia’s oil field, but the White House is waiting for the Kingdom’s rulers to make the first move. [CNN]

-> Trump has named five possible candidates he is considering to replace former national security adviser John R. Bolton. [NYTimes]

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- Taylor Stevens and Clara Hatcher