
Brent Taylor, Utah mayor killed in Afghanistan, may have North Ogden VA building named in his honor

North Ogden Mayor Brent Taylor — killed this month in Afghanistan — may soon have a Veterans Affairs building in his city named in his honor.

Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, introduced a bill Tuesday — and won lightning-fast unanimous approval in the House the same day — seeking that change and gave a House speech to honor the late mayor and Utah National Guard major.

“In April of this year, the Department of Veterans Affairs opened a facility in North Ogden City. It’s a place where veterans and their families can go to receive counseling, support and other help,” Bishop said.

“It’s located right in the heart of Brent Taylor’s hometown and, as a small gesture to his service and sacrifice, I have introduced a bill to name this VA facility the ‘Major Brent Taylor Vet Center Outstation.’”

Bishop added, “The naming of a building will never repay the debt our nation owes Maj. Taylor, but it can stand as a humble reminder of the citizen soldier who lost his life in the service of others.”

Bishop said Taylor was a model of Army values, showing loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage.

“Maj. Taylor left his family and American soil on four deployments to serve and make a positive difference in the world,” including being awarded the Bronze Star, Bishop said. “We will forever mourn with the family of Maj. Taylor. We will grieve his loss and honor his sacrifice.”

Only a few weeks remain in the current Congress for the Senate also to consider the bill.