
Proposition 4 on independent redistricting appears headed toward passage as last votes are totaled

Proposition 4, the ballot initiative designed to prevent gerrymandering, built on its slim lead Monday and seems poised for victory as the last votes are counted.

The initiative, which calls for the creation of an independent redistricting commission, was ahead by about 50.3 percent to 49.7 percent after the vote tally was updated. The vote count on the proposition has fluctuated since Election Day, as counties have continued tabulating votes.

Friday closed with Prop 4 up by about 2,900 votes, and by Monday’s end, the initiative was ahead by more than 6,400.

“This is an exciting day for Utah. After the final canvass, we’re confident Proposition 4 will have gained a majority of votes in a statewide election and the voice of the people will once again be heard in drawing legislative lines — making sure Utahns choose their representatives and not the other way around,” Jeff Wright and Ralph Becker, co-chairs of Better Boundaries, the group behind the proposition, said in a statement Tuesday. “We expect the voice of the people will be respected and honored.”

More than 1 million ballots have been counted so far, and county clerks across Utah are expected to release their final numbers Tuesday.

With Proposition 4, an independent commission would convene every 10 years to redraw the state’s voting districts. The group would send a recommended map to the Legislature, which would decide whether to adopt the proposed boundaries or drawn lines of its own.