
Political Cornflakes: It’s Donald Trump’s Republican Party now

President Donald Trump speaks to reporters at the White House, Friday, June 15, 2018, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

It’s Donald Trump’s Republican Party now. Former Rocky Anderson staffers allege discrimination. Count My Vote supporters appeal to the Utah Supreme Court.

Happy Monday. It’s Donald Trump’s Republican Party now. This is the new reality: The anti-Trump candidates are fleeing, and the ones who stick around are getting trampled. The chill has gone out among whoever’s left: There’s no more speaking up, and if there is, it’s just for the sake of a speech, a protest quote that quickly disappears. [Politico]

Topping the news: Two women who worked in former SLC Mayor Rocky Anderson’s law office say they were berated and screamed at while working for the lawyer. [Trib]

-> The organizers of Count My Vote filed a petition to the Utah Supreme Court arguing that the state’s election law unconstitutionally favors opponents of the ballot initiative. [Trib]

-> After the project was criticized by the public, SL Co. Mayor Ben McAdams said he will veto the County Council’s zoning approval of the high-density Olympia Hills housing project. [Trib]

Tweets of the day: From @SenOrrinHatch: “The most successful people I’ve met: 1. Won the Revolutionary War 2. Are George Washington.”

-> From @BillKristol: "Trump: The Democrats made us do it. Stephen Miller: It’s our policy to do it. Sec. Nielsen: We’re not doing it.”

Happy Birthday: To Tiffany Gunnerson, veteran Utah pollster Dan Jones and BYU’s Joel Campbell.

In other news: The Salt Lake Chamber criticized President Donald Trump for nominating Utah anti-illegal immigration activist Ron Mortensen to a position overseeing refugees and migration. [Trib]

-> After it was discovered that passenger fares make up only about 14 percent of its revenue, the Utah Transit Authority will review and scrutinize its passenger discount programs. [Trib]

-> Three boats in northern Utah were discovered to be infested with quagga mussels, according to the Division of Wildlife Resource. [APviaTrib]

-> Pat Bagley offers a take on the controversy between the America’s Freedom Festival and LGBT groups in Provo. [Trib]

-> Frank Pignanelli and LaVarr Webb look at last week’s top stories, including the Count My Vote initiative and the 4th Congressional District Race. [DNews]

Nationally: Thousands of migrant children have been separated from their parents when crossing the border illegally and are being held in large detention centers, prompting criticism that such policies are inhumane. [Politico] [NYTimes]

-> Eyeing midterm elections ahead, Democrats are intensifying the fight against the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policies. [WaPost]

-> Some Senate Republicans have privately acknowledged that they are unlikely to pass a funding bill that would satisfy President Donald Trump’s desire to have congress pay for a border wall. [Politico]

Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Send us a note to cornflakes@sltrib.com.

-- Thomas Burr and Connor Richards

Twitter.com/thomaswburr and Twitter.com/crichards1995