A Lehi High School agricultural teacher is “responding well” to ongoing medical treatment after an in-class welding accident earlier this month caused severe facial injuries, Lehi police said.
The May 10 accident happened as teacher Colton Marble was helping a student with a welding project, which involved splitting a 55-gallon drum in half to create a feeding trough for cattle, according to Sgt. Levi Lewis of the Lehi Police Department.
Marble was using a plasma cutter to slice through the drum when it ignited and exploded in his face, causing “significant damage,” Lewis said. No one else was injured.
(Alpine School District) Lehi High School teacher Colton Marble, who was injured in a class welding accident on May 10, 2024.
Students immediately called 911, with the first call coming in at 11:38 a.m., Lewis said.
After getting a text message about the situation, a student, who had been in another building at the time, also ran to the agricultural building and began rendering aid. She had recently completed an EMT course, Lewis said.
“[That] ultimately helped save his life,” Lewis said.
Emergency responders arrived shortly after. Marble was rushed to a local hospital and later flown to a trauma center, Lewis said.
The school informed Lehi High parents and families about the accident that day, according to a statement from the Alpine School District. Support services and crisis counseling were made available to students.
“We extend our deepest concern to the teacher involved and their family during this difficult time,” the message read.
Marble remains hospitalized, Lewis said.
“We have heard and learned that the teacher is responding well to the medical treatments that he’s receiving,” Lewis said. “They’re optimistic and hopeful, but it will be a long road to recovery.”
Students have rallied to support Marble and his family. One student started a GoFundMe campaign to help raise money for medical expenses.
In the campaign’s description, the student wrote that they are “one of the thousands of people who have been helped, guided, and mentored by one of the most incredible teachers of Lehi High School.”
As of Wednesday, more than $33,000 had been raised. All donations will go directly to Marble’s family.