
Taylorsville voter guide 2023

City Council candidates answer questions ahead of the Nov. 21 general election.

District 1

Ernest Glen Burgess

No response.

Dennis Sanok

(Courtesy) Dennis Sanok, candidate for Taylorsville City Council's District 1 seat.

Occupation: Information technology.

If elected, what would you do to provide more affordable housing options to your residents? Would you support higher-density housing?

I support high-density housing where it makes sense and the infrastructure can maintain the additional residences. Parking and street traffic need to be a forethought and not reactionary after the build. Taylorsville should increase the minimum percentage of affordable units in any new high-density plan. We should not just adhere to the minimums mandated or suggested by state and housing authorities.

What is your city’s responsibility in addressing homelessness, and what would you do within the boundaries of your community to help unhoused Utahns?

Our community needs to empathize with those who are displaced or otherwise disadvantaged. We are a community and are responsible for the well-being of all within our community. I would stress our need to be open-minded as solutions are proposed to assist with those in need.

Besides affordable housing or homelessness, what is the biggest challenge your city faces, and how would you address it?

Changing for our future. As populations and demographics shift in Taylorsville, we need to take care in the decisions we are making today to ensure they stand the test of time. We need to do what makes sense not just now but 10, 20 or 50 years from now. Once decisions are made, it is extremely difficult and expensive to backtrack and attempt to adjust.

What is a fun or unique fact about yourself?

I joined the U.S. Navy to see the world and spent six years of active duty never leaving the United States.

District 2

Curt Cochran


District 3

Anna Barbieri
