
Learn more about the Utah News Collaborative

News organizations are sharing their journalism with members across the state.

We are stronger when we share what we know, and at The Tribune we share local and state news with readers every day.

As a nonprofit, part of our mission is to ensure information reaches as many people as possible.

After we became a nonprofit, we connected with other news organizations across the state to better understand what they needed and if we could help. One editor suggested that we share daily reporting from all corners of the state. The Utah News Collaborative was launched shortly after, in March 2021.

What is the Utah News Collaborative?

A group of Utah news organizations that share stories daily. Members publish across print, digital, audio and video platforms. The goal is to reduce duplication and spend more of our reporting time on local news that is relevant to our readers, listeners and viewers.

Local journalism can strengthen communities. Our goal is to do more of it by reducing redundancy.

Participation is voluntary and there is no cost to join.

Who are the members of the Utah News Collaborative?

The Wayne & Garfield County Insider

The (Provo) Daily Herald

St. George News

The Salt Lake Tribune

Millard County Chronicle Progress

Moab Sun News

The (Logan) Herald Journal

Tremonton Leader

Park (City) Record

Ogden Standard-Examiner



If you would like to join the collaborative, contact Tribune editor Lauren Gustus at lgustus@sltrib.com

How do news organizations share content?

Members are primarily posting the stories they want to share via slack. We also share stories daily via email.

Which stories do we share?

We principally share daily news stories. This may include breaking news, state government reporting, local council or county votes or policy changes, etc. If there is a story on a partner’s site that is not included in the daily email or on slack, partners may email the editor to request it.

Journalism included in the partnership is limited only to content originating from the member news organization. Content from sister or parent news organizations and national/regional bureaus outside the state may not be used. Only content created by publication staff may be shared. Organizations may choose whether to include freelance reporting in the collaborative.

Is there a time limit or set amount of stories that can be shared?

No, there is not a set period of time from which we can or should be sharing stories. Partners can share as many stories as they like, so long as they fall under the agreed guidelines of which stories we can share.

How are stories shared?

Newsrooms can publish the first 4-6 paragraphs, with a link back to the originating news source or credit directing people to read more there.

For example: For more on when Utah will drop its COVID-19 restrictions, read this story at sltrib.com.

For printed products, participating news organizations can publish a story in its entirety and with a photo.

All stories must include a byline or credit with the original reporter name and newspaper name.

Partners should include a tagline at the end about the program:

This article is published through the Utah News Collaborative, a partnership of news organizations in Utah that aims to inform readers across the state.