
15 more Utahns have died of COVID-19, bringing the total to 300 since Aug. 1

There are 1,885 new cases, and 436 of those are school-age children.

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Another 1,885 Utahns tested positive for COVID-19 in the past day, and 15 more have died of the coronavirus. Since Aug. 1, there have been 300 coronavirus deaths in Utah — 11% of the total deaths since the pandemic began.

The first COVID-19 death in Utah was reported March 22, 2020.

School-age children contracted almost one in four of all new cases, the Utah Department of Health announced — a total of 436, according to UDOH. There were 172 cases in children aged 5 to 10; 115 cases in children 11 to 13; and 149 cases in children 14 to 18.

The rolling seven-day average for positive tests stands at 1,675 per day.

In the past four weeks, unvaccinated Utahns were 5.3 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than vaccinated people, according to a UDOH analysis. The unvaccinated were also 6.8 times more likely to be hospitalized, and six times more likely to test positive for the coronavirus.

An additional 5,198 Utahns were fully vaccinated in the past day, bringing the total to 1,639,144 — just over 50% of Utah’s total population.

Vaccine doses administered in past day / total doses administered • 9,427 / 3,366,292.

Utahns fully vaccinated • 1,639,144.

Cases reported in past day • 1,885.

Deaths reported in past day • 15.

There were four deaths in Salt Lake County — a man between the ages of 25 and 44, a woman 45 to 64, a man 65 to 84, and a woman 85-plus. Davis County also reported four deaths — a man and a woman 45 to 64, a woman 65 to 84, and a woman 85-plus.

Three Utah County residents died — a woman 45 to 64, a man 65 to 84, and a man 85-plus.

A Beaver County man 45 to 64 died, as did a Uintah County man 65 to 84, a Washington County man 65 to 84, and a Weber County man 45 to 64.

Tests reported in past day • 13,693 people were tested for the first time. A total of 22,898 people were tested.

Hospitalizations reported in the past day • 582. That’s 12 more than were reported on Wednesday. Of those currently hospitalized, 225 are in intensive care, one more than was reported on Wednesday.

Percentage of positive tests • Under the state’s original method, the rate is 13.8% over the past day. That’s slightly higher than the seven-day average of 13.5%.

The state’s new method counts all test results, including repeated tests of the same individual. Thursday’s rate was 8.2%, lower than the seven-day average of 10%.

[Read more: Utah is changing how it measures the rate of positive COVID-19 tests. Here’s what that means.]

Totals to date • 21,238 cases; 2,779 deaths; 21,238 hospitalizations; 3,326,340 people tested.

According to the state health department, Utah has seen 14,099 “breakthrough” cases of COVID-19 — people who contracted the virus two weeks or more after being fully vaccinated. That’s 0.86% of people who are fully vaccinated.

Of that number, 752 required hospitalization — 0.046% of those fully vaccinated. And there have been 83 deaths — 0.005% of those fully vaccinated.