
Artists paint two new faces on Salt Lake City mural series dedicated to victims of police violence

A series of murals near 800 South and 300 West in Salt Lake City depicting people killed by police has been expanding since the first painting of George Floyd appeared soon after police killed him in May.

On Sunday, artists added the faces of Cody Belgard — who was shot in the back and killed by police in Rose Park in 2018 — and Allen Nelson, who died in 2012 while officers attempted to arrest him.

The site has become a shrine and memorial, where people come to leave signs, flowers and other mementos.

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) Artists add new faces, Cody Belgard and Allen Nelson, to a series of murals depicting victims of police violence at 800 South 300 West in Salt Lake City on Sunday, June 28, 2020.