
Kaysville firefighters use Trump’s ‘Sharpiegate’ to overcome ‘Dad bod’ on Facebook

(Image courtesy of Kaysville Fire Department) A Facebook post, made Sunday, Sept. 8, by Kaysville Fire Department, jokes about firefighters' "dad bods" and President Donald Trump's skills with a Sharpie.

The post, which went up on the department’s Facebook page Sunday morning, said firefighters had been asked to produce a calendar. “Naturally, we couldn’t do it, because #DadBod … but then the POTUS showed us that anything is possible when you use a Sharpie.”

The post includes photos of five Kaysville firefighters, with red lines drawn on the firefighters’ uniforms to suggest washboard abs and bulging biceps.

In just over 24 hours, the post elicited more than 600 reactions and more than 200 comments, mostly positive — with such sentiments as “You all are awesome!” and “You win the internet today!”

The post makes reference to “Sharpiegate,” an incident that happened last week when Trump tweeted that Alabama was one of the states in the likely path of Hurricane Dorian — which was contradicted by a tweet from the National Weather Service office in Birmingham, Ala. Trump continued to assert that he was told Alabama residents were in danger from Dorian, and showed reporters a map projecting the hurricane’s path. Trump’s map included an extra bulge, apparently drawn with a Sharpie, that covered Alabama’s southeast corner.

The Sharpie-augmented map became fodder for cable news for a week, and inspired commentary from political columnists and late-night comedians — and, now, Utah firefighters.