
Tell The Tribune: Has BYU’s Honor Code enforcement changed your view of the school?

Luke Staley, a former Brigham Young University football player, recently told The Salt Lake Tribune he believes the school unfairly or inappropriately enforces its Honor Code and that he may ask for his retired number to be removed from BYU’s football stadium.

“I still get goosebumps when I see my name and number up at the stadium,” Staley said. “I want to make it clear that I love BYU. But now I wonder if there’s more value for me to take down my name to raise awareness for how BYU is handling these issues.”

BYU students have been protesting in Utah and Idaho, saying that they’ve been forced to turn others in or face consequences, among other complaints. And an Instagram account has gone viral for sharing candid stories about students’ experiences with the Honor Code office.

The Salt Lake Tribune wants to hear what you think about BYU’s Honor Code enforcement. Your responses won’t be published without your permission. A reporter from The Salt Lake Tribune might reach out for further comment.

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