
Utah teen survives Montana bear attack with minor injuries

(National Park Service | The Associated Press) This undated file photo provided by the National Park Service shows a grizzly bear walking along a ridge in Montana. The National Rifle Association and Safari Club International, a sport hunting group, are asking a judge to make sure their members can hunt grizzly bears in the three-state Yellowstone region. The animals have lost federal protections but conservation groups have sued to restore them.

Ennis, Mont. • Wildlife officials say a teen survived a bear attack with relatively minor injuries in southwestern Montana.

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks say it was likely a grizzly bear that attacked the 17-year-old south of Ennis Sunday. Morgan Jacobsen of FWP says the teen was visiting Montana from Utah.

The agency says he was out looking for shed antlers when he heard a "thump" behind him and saw the bear charge.

The agency says he didn't have time to use his bear spray and the bear pushed him up against a tree. It eventually pinned him face down on the ground. The boy said he was able to reach over his shoulder and spray the bear and it left.

The agency says the bear’s behavior is typical of surprise close encounters.