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The Tribune is Utah’s independent voice. Building on a legacy of courageous, watchdog journalism, we strive to tell stories that are interesting, important and inclusive. Dedicated to fairness and accuracy, we aim to engage and empower you — our readers.


The Tribune is Utah’s independent voice. Building on a legacy of courageous, watchdog journalism, we strive to tell stories that are interesting, important and inclusive. Dedicated to fairness and accuracy, we aim to engage and empower you — our readers.

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$100,000 and up

Zions Bank

Google Discover

Clark and Christine Ivory Foundation

The Tribune is Utah’s independent voice. Building on a legacy of courageous, watchdog journalism, we strive to tell stories that are interesting, important and inclusive. Dedicated to fairness and accuracy, we aim to engage and empower you — our readers.

The Tribune is Utah’s independent voice. Building on a legacy of courageous, watchdog journalism, we strive to tell stories that are interesting, important and inclusive. Dedicated to fairness and accuracy, we aim to engage and empower you — our readers.

Help Utahns have access to trusted reporting this election year

The Salt Lake Tribune’s election coverage is free during the 2024 primaries thanks to the generous support of donors. Join them with a gift to our independent, nonprofit newsroom and ensure we can continue to make this critical reporting free to all Utahns this year.