
Ignore the Trekkie haters, ‘Discovery’ is good — and there’s a HUGE twist in the season finale

<b>Television • </b>Episode 15 isn’t altogether satisfying, but for geek’s sake don’t miss the last couple of minutes.

I was wrong.

My skepticism about “Star Trek: Discovery” was misplaced. Season 1 of the CBS All Access series wraps up Sunday, and it has turned out to be good — with occasional flashes of greatness. And a few disappointments.

And, OMG, just wait ’til you see the final moments of Sunday’s first-season finale. I’m not going to spoil it for you, fellow Trekkers, but I totally geeked out over it.

(I could tell you about it, but then the folks at CBS would kill me. Well, they’d probably cut off my access to screeners. And, honestly, I don’t believe in spoiling anyone’s viewing experience.)

All in all, the first season of “Star Trek: Discovery” has turned out considerably better than I expected. CBS’ refusal to screen even the first hour for critics was a red flag, because that’s what programmers generally do when their show sucks.

CBS claimed it was because of “security,” despite the fact that the network has a long history of sending critics screeners and asking us not to reveal spoilers.

And, by the way, the spoiler in Episode 15 — the season finale — is HUGE compared to anything in Episode 1. And I’m not spoiling it!

(The previous paragraph was aimed at anyone at CBS who might read it.)

I know, I know. There’s a lot of hate out there for “Discovery.” Well, that’s hard to judge, because it’s social media noise, which often doesn’t correspond to reality.

Much of the hate centered on the fact that the seventh “Trek” series was different than the previous six. “Discovery” had no stand-alone episodes — it was essentially one big movie spread over 15 episodes.

But it was about time we got a different kind of “Star Trek.” Again, I’m a huge fan, but even I’d have to admit that there was a certain sameness to the original series, the animated series, “Next Generation,” “Deep Space Nine,” “Voyager” and “Enterprise.”

Discovery” is a prequel, set 10 years before the original series. And there’s a cottage industry out there trying to come up with inconsistencies.

Although some of that merely demonstrated the haters’ impatience. (SPOILER ALERT: The next paragraph contains a big reveal that came in Episode 12, “Vaulting Ambition,” which began streaming on Jan. 21.)

Early on, there was a lot of criticism that Captain Lorca (Jason Isaacs) didn’t act the way a Starfleet captain should. And he didn’t. Because, as we learned in Episode 12, he isn’t the “real” Lorca — he’s from the Mirror Universe.

I’m not saying there aren’t inconsistencies. And I could join others in obsessing about them. Like … they didn’t have warp-powered shuttles in the original “Star Trek,” so why do they have them in a show set a decade earlier?

(Photo courtesy of Jan Thijs/CBS) Michelle Yeoh as Captain Philippa Georgiou and Sonequa Martin-Green as First Officer Michael Burnham on “Star Trek: Discovery.”

But if I let that bother me, I’m ruining the show for myself over something that doesn’t really matter.

If you haven‘t wanted to pay for the CBS All Acess streaming service, you can still (as of this writing) get a free week. So if you’ve got time to watch all 15 episodes in a week, here’s your big chance as of Sunday.

And I’m not saying that “Discovery” is perfect. The Season 1 finale, which begins streaming on CBS All Access on Sunday at 6:30 p.m. MT, isn’t altogether great. Before we get to that really cool thing I’m not going to spoil, the plot takes an anti-climactic turn — in an entirely “Star Trek” way.

The irony is that some of the haters are fond of saying that “Discovery” isn’t a real “Star Trek.” But when it acts like one, it’s not as good as it could be.

Discovery” has looked great since it premiered. The characters have grown on me. There have been some surprises along the way. And there’s a huge upside to doing “Star Trek” in a somewhat different way.

But no one is harder on “Trek” than the Trekkies. And the Trekkies who hate “Discovery” are the same ones who hate the reboot “Trek” movies.

They’re wrong about that, too.

I kid, I kid. This is all opinion, and everyone’s entitled to his or her own.

At this point, I can’t wait to see Season 2 of “Discovery.” Which is about the best thing I can say about any show.