
New film tells anglers "If we let this slide we fail"

Todd Tanner is a quiet man with deep thoughts. That was my first impression of a guy who would come to be a great friend and role model.
I remember clearly thinking he would have made an excellent model for that famous sculpture "The Thinker", although I doubt he would be persuaded to pose naked.
Over the years I've noticed his voice growing ever louder regarding issues facing hunters and anglers. He seems loudest, at least most reflective, about climate change, and appropriately so.
Todd eventually founded Conservation Hawks, a nonprofit group focused on identifying threats to sportsmen and more importantly taking on the granddaddy of them all - global warming, climate change, whatever you elect to call it.

Along the way he has picked up numerous voices. Most recently the likes of Yvon Chouinard, Craig Mathews, Steve Hemkens and Tim Romano. This impressive group gathered for some fishing, of course, and some frank words while filming "CO2LD WATERS" produced by Conservation Media.
It is basically a call to arms for the typically stoic group categorized simply as anglers to make a difference before it is too late to do anything.
Watch the trailer, look forward to the full-length version and visit the Conservation Hawks or CO2LD WATERS web pages for information about ways to make a difference.
Because if things don't change Todd might have to pose nude simply due to the temperature.