
Letter: Beware the Koch influence on campus

I am disturbed to read that the University of Utah is accepting money from Koch Industries. Let’s get a few facts straight about Charles and David Koch.

They inherited an oil empire from their father Frank Koch, who was a leader in the John Birch Society. In 1980 David Koch ran as vice president for the Libertarian Party. That year their party platform included the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, the abolition of the EPA, the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs, the repeal of Social Security, repeal of minimum wage laws, separation of education and state (they claimed it led to the indoctrination of children.)

These brothers pour millions of dollars into think tanks to influence public opinion; and it works.

Are we naïve enough to believe that the brothers have no ulterior motives in giving money to the University of Utah, and hundreds of other universities across the nation?

If they wanted to help students, they could give aid in the form of scholarships. Unknown to many citizens in the state of Utah, the brothers have also donated a large amount of money to Utah State University. The school signed a contract with the Charles Koch Foundation that states, “USU will allow the Charles Koch Foundation to review and approve the text of any proposed publicity that includes mention of the foundation or the funding amount.” There are strings attached to these donations.

Kason Kendall

President, College Democrats of Utah
