
Letter: There are reasons to think LDS opposition to same-sex marriage won't last

Leah Hogsten | Tribune file photo Temple Square in Salt Lake City on Friday, November 28, 2014..

Let’s not read too much into a recent LDS statement that the church’s opposition to same-sex marriage will never change.

Remember, it wasn’t too long ago that we Mormons declared that black-white marriages would always be against the laws of God. Guess what? We repented. Moreover, those who accept Elder Dallin Oaks’ view that marriage between one man and one woman is “a statement of eternal truth” seem to forget that early Mormons would have viewed such words as “a statement of infernal tripe.”

And keep in mind that faithful Latter-day Saints who personally oppose gay marriage can actively support gay-marriage rights just as we can oppose use of alcoholic beverages while supporting the legal status of such beverages. Frankly, many Mormons see same-sex marriage as beneficial for society.

LDS leaders’ current opposition to same-sex marriage may be strongly rooted in tradition. It brings to mind Paul Rolly’s recent reminiscence about the Alta Club refusing to accept female members until 1987: “The club’s younger male members forced the change over the reluctance of their older colleagues who tended to cling to tradition.”

In that regard, we Mormons should be more like the Alta Club.

Steve Warren, West Valley City