
Letter: There's no reason for a landfill at Promontory Point

(photo courtesy Chris Federer) Sign advocating against class 5 landfill posted on Promontory Point.

I think it is morally reprehensible that the state of Utah and Box Elder County are even entertaining the idea of putting a Class V landfill onto Promontory Point on the Great Salt Lake. The site would have the capacity to bring in coal ash and some waste substances that are federally nonhazardous, but have been marked as hazardous by California.

Utah already has five such Class V landfills with over 1,600 years of waste capacity. What other reason do we have to add another Class V landfill except to fill the pockets of wealthy and short sighted business men?

The Great Salt Lake serves as a very important location to many shore birds, both permanent and migratory. And according to University of Utah geologists does have the potential for a 7.5 magnitude earthquake.

Why would we put one of our state’s most important natural resources at risk? Are we still so unable to plan for a viable and eco-conscious future for our children and great grandchildren? How much more will citizens of Utah take in the name of the almighty dollar? Will we really let this project go through?

Jess Oveson
