This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

In response to Jon Titus' letter ("On immigration, trust but verify," Nov. 22) about being sure refugees are thoroughly vetted before coming to the U.S. The current vetting procedure is a two-year, multi-stage process of interviews, background checks and document inspections where, should the expiration date of any one of these stages be reached before another one has been completed, the refugee must repeat application for the expired stage.

This must be done for each member of the family seeking refuge in the U.S. Then, at the end of the whole process, even if the refugee has satisfactorily completed all stages, his or her examiner may, as a result of "an uneasy feeling" about said refugee, deny the entry application. That good enough for you? It's a wonder anyone makes it here at all.

Bunnie Keen

Salt Lake City