
Letter: It’s time for younger generations to speak out

(Rick Egan | Tribune file photo) A woman drops her ballot in the vote-by-mail ballot drop box at the Salt Lake County Government Center on Monday, Oct. 19, 2020.

Dear millennials and Gen Z humans,

You are the largest segment of the population in the nation, and in Utah, you are 20% larger than Gen X and 39% larger than the baby boomers who reside here. You represent 30% of all of the people here.

In 2016, you were excited, united, and you were a force. You stood with Bernie. Your enthusiasm and activism was contagious. I attended those rallies with you and it was refreshing and inspiring.

In 2020, hardly a word is being said about you.

In 2016, the system failed you and for this I apologize. You were monumentally disrespected.

The 2020 election is less than two weeks away. The GOP is hoping you stay home because they fear you. They know the power that you have.

My hope is that “once bitten” won’t turn out to be “twice shy.” Please vote. You have the power to turn this state on its head, where people will have to take note and give you the respect that you’ve earned. If you do, it will be a blindside, where people will have no choice but to take note. This time is yours and it’s your time to lead.

Lindsay Moore, South Jordan

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