
Letter: Time to approve the Equal Rights Amendment

(AP file photo) Bella Abzug, center with hat, smiles on Aug. 26, 1980, as she holds up her ERA sign in a pro-equal rights demonstration on New York's Fifth Avenue.

Michelle Quist’s recent column (“The conservative case for the Equal Rights Amendment,” Oct. 6) was exactly on point.

It is 2019, and women still do not have equal protections under the United States Constitution. I value the women in my life, my wife, mother, sisters, nieces, friends, coworkers and neighbors. I would go as far to say that I value them as equally as I value my father, brothers, nephews and male friends and neighbors.

I want the women in my life to be paid the same as men, not 30% less. I want them to have the same equal protections under the law that I have. Don’t you? Don’t our legislators?

It’s about time people recognize that when one group of people is diminished, we all are. But, when one group is elevated, we all are.

Utah has the opportunity to be the 38th and final state necessary to pass the Equal Rights Amendment. It is time for the men in our state to join the women calling for equality. It’s time for us to stand next to them, equal with them.

Nearly 100 years since the ERA was first proposed, Utah has the opportunity to make equality for all a reality. Let’s make it happen.

William Richter, Millcreek

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