
Letter: Daylight saving is a big con and we are the suckers

Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune The sun sets over a smoky Salt Lake City skyline Sunday August 11, 2013.

Help! I’ve been robbed of my beautiful fresh smog-free sunlit morning. I have been plunged back into darkness thanks to daylight stupid time. And no, I am not retired; I often leave for work before the sun is up. Daylight saving is perpetuated by big lobbies that want you to spend more, eat more and drive more. A couple of years ago, it was going to be put up for the people to vote on, but it never occurred because it was squashed by the big lobbies and their buddies in the Legislature. For all of us who would like to vote on it, we have no voice, no lobby working for us.

Daylight saving has been proven not to save energy but to use more of it. It is a big con and we are the suckers. If it’s so great, why don’t we move it up two hours or three hours? Allow Mother Nature to naturally add daylight to our days as she has been doing for many years now; she doesn’t need any help from us. Let’s follow Arizona’s example and do away with daylight saving.

Wade Karren, East Millcreek