
Letter: Rooftop solar benefits go beyond issues with Rocky Mountain Power

In this undated photo provided by SolarCity, workers install solar panels on the roof of a home. SolarCity will begin offering loans to homeowners for rooftop solar systems, a move that analysts say could reshape the market for rooftop solar and propel its rapid adoption. (AP Photo/Courtesy SolarCity)

I would like to compliment Craig Provost on his insightful and helpful opinion piece about distributed (rooftop) solar power (“Utah undervalues citizen-supplied power,” Dec. 24).

It made a strong argument for why we need to encourage the expansion of distributed solar power generation. Rocky Mountain Power does not like to have power generation taken out of its hands.

It desires to keep the means of creating and selling power to itself, and will provide skewed analyses to support those ends. There is one additional reason to support rooftop solar that Provost did not state. Utility-scale solar farms take years to permit and build. The recent giant solar farm in California’s Carrizo Plains took seven years to get online.

You can have solar power up and generating electricity next week if you want. We need solutions now and need to embrace this technology.

Chuck Brainerd, Sandy