This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

From highly talented freshmen to much improved upperclassmen, Utah's gymnastics team is expecting to be one of the best teams in the country in 2015.

Utah's fans can get a glimpse of the talent Friday when the Utes host their annual Red Rocks preview at 7 p.m. at the Huntsman Center.

Admission is free and the seating is open.

Utah coach Greg Marsden said the Utes had an extremely productive offseason, spurred by the disappointment in finishing seventh at the NCAA Championships and failing to make the Super Six.

"Last year was devastating to us because we won the Pac-12 and regionals and felt like we were in good condition to be in one of the top three podium spots at nationals," Marsden said. "To not even make it to finals, it was devastating and took everybody a while to get over that. But this team is refreshed and determined to get back to the team finals."

The Utes are led by an extremely talented senior class of Tory Wilson, Georgia Dabritz, Corrie Lothrop and Becky Tutka.

Lathrop, who was awarded a medical hardship year after suffering an Achilles' tendon injury, is back in the form that earned her the Pac-12 all-around championship as a sophomore.

"She is fully healed and has regained her confidence with it," Marsden said. "She is going to be doing everything for us this year and she looks great."

Wilson, the Pac-12 Gymnast of the Year in 2014 and Dabritz, a four-time Pac-12 event winner, also look strong. Tutka is limited right now due to an inflamed tendon in her wrist, but Marsden said she should be fine for the season.

"We're just trying to get it to calm down before the seasons starts so she doesn't have to deal with it then," he said.

Friday will give fans their first look at freshmen Kari Lee, Samantha Partyka, Maddie Stover and Tiffani Lewis.

"We have a strong group of returners and we know what they are capable of, but this event is a great time for the freshmen to get a feel for what it is like to compete here," Marsden said. "So far their transition to college has gone pretty smoothly."

The freshmen should help shore up Utah's inconsistency on the balance beam, an area that has troubled the Utes the last two seasons.

"If they can help us like we expect them to and we are as competitive as we have been on the other events, we should be a contender," Marsden said. "This will be a good chance to see where we are. Everyone who has a routine ready is going to be out there."

Twitter: @lyawodraska —

Red Rocks Preview

P At the Huntsman Center

Admission • free

Seating • open