This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Portland, Ore. • Gidget is going back to Pennsylvania.

A Jack Russell terrier that somehow ended up in Oregon more than four months after she went missing from her home near Philadelphia is going to be flown back to the Keystone State.

A microchip implanted in Gidget allowed workers at an animal shelter south of Portland to find the dog's owner. Shelter manager Deborah Wood says PetLink, the company that manufactured the microchip, has offered to pay for her return flight.

Gidget's odyssey attracted national attention Wednesday, spurring many people to offer money for the flight.

Wood says a man also came to the shelter and paid for all of its expenses caring for the dog.

She says Gidget's story is a reminder that it's important to microchip your pet.