This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by The Honorable Jason Chaffetz, U.S. Representative — Utah's 3rd District

America is in trouble. If you spent $1 million every day, it would take you almost 3,000 years to get to $1 trillion.

We are now nearly $16 trillion in debt. Each day we pay more than $600 million in interest on that debt — and we deficit spend $3 billion a day.

Excessive regulations choke businesses. Our tax code punishes success, discourages entrepreneurs, and stifles growth.

President Obama's solution: more government and more taxes.

This isn't the American Dream. Our nation isn't just one good tax increase away from prosperity.

American success hasn't come from Czars, "Cash for Clunkers," endless bailouts, a limitless government credit card, or more taxes for more government.

The American Dream was built on the sweat and blood of Americans who took pride and personal ownership in themselves and their country.

When times were tough, generations before quietly rolled up their sleeves and built a stronger, more prosperous nation. The government didn't build it. They built it.

America was built with hard work, dedication to principles, and a belief that success was predicated on liberty and ownership.

Restoring the American Dream will require fiscal discipline, limited government, accountability, and a strong national defense.

We need to make tough choices. We need leadership.

We need to elect Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

We need to believe in America again.

Thank you.

Paid for by the Committee on Arrangements for the 2012 Republican National Convention

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee