This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The Utes released a statement Sunday that junior Princeton Onwas will not return to the program.

"We wish Princeton nothing but the best in his future endeavors," said head coach Larry Krystkowiak in a statement.

Onwas played just one season in Salt Lake City after transferring from Navarro College in Corsicana, Texas. A tremendous athlete, the 6'5 Onwas earned a reputation on the hill for strong defense and soaring dunks.

You live and you learn. New beginning. God bless.

— Princeton Onwas (@P_boog) April 27, 2014

But despite playing almost 18 minutes per game, Onwas averaged just 4.8 points, and Utah has an apparent surplus of shooting guards and small forwards in Kyle Kuzma, Jordan Loveridge (expected to be a 3 next year), Kenneth Ogbe and Dakarai Tucker.

The Utes have already bid adieu to shooting guard Ahmad Fields, who left for Drexel.

Onwas finished the season as a starter for the Runnin' Utes, but the addition of not only Kuzma but also 6'7 transfer power forward Chris Reyes, and freshmen Jakob Poeltl, Isaiah Wright and Brekkott Chapman means Utah could look a lot different next season. Of eight players who started for the Utes last season, only one, center Renan Lenz, left due to graduation.

— Matthew Piper

Twitter: @matthew_piper