This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Salt Lake City's Parks, Natural Lands, Trails and Urban Forestry Advisory Board needs volunteers.

The 11-member board, aimed at sparking grass-roots involvement in the stewardship of the city's public lands, will work closely with the Division of Parks and Public Lands. The new board combines the old Parks, Trails and Urban Forestry Board and the Open Space Advisory Board.

"The new board will provide a one-stop shop for residents to give input on how we care for our public lands," says Emy Maloutas, Parks and Public Lands director, in a news release.

Anyone who is interested can apply for open positions on the website:

Applications are due by Friday. Those received after that date will be kept for reference when vacancies occur and terms expire.

Membership of the new board is intended to reflect a range community interests, including geographic, professional, cultural and neighborhood diversity.