This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I read Susan Briggs' Forum letter ("How can campers leave so much trash?" Sept. 17) about the trashy campsites she found on her hike. I work at a public elementary school playground. Every morning I make my rounds to pick up trash left by whoever uses the playground after school hours. I do this to keep the kids safe.

Yes, it does make me sad. I have found beer bottles and cans, cigarette butts, lighters, fireworks, plastic bottles (full and empty), food packages (full and empty) and more on the school play area. I assume the school grounds are used by families after hours like a public park. Children need to be taught to pick up after themselves. If they see littering being done by adults, they learn this bad habit. It is very hard to teach them otherwise. The trash can is only 20 yards away. Teach your kids good habits!

Marilyn Marshall

East Millcreek