This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

On Sunday morning, we received our Tribune but had the Opinion section from the Deseret News. After my initial frustration, I better understand the narrow, conservative thinking of my adopted state.

Here is my tally of the content: Two national conservative columnists on the Scotland vote and Obama's wrong strategy for ISIS, a DNews editorial defending faith-based student groups on college campuses, a column on the perils of credit card use, a citizen commenting on Ogden's positive growth in the city center, a defense of traditional marriage by the president of the National Organization for Marriage, lastly two "debates" (a) satisfied or dissatisfied with our local congressmen, (b) who is in charge of school lunch: parents or Michele Obama.

The last three items are instructive concerning our citizens' perspective. The one-sided editorial begins by quoting Old Testament scripture and ignores the Constitution's safeguards of freedoms, pandering to conservative religious philosophy. The debate about the satisfaction of our congressmen boils down to the assertion they are good people. The second debate about the quality of school lunch is largely attacks on federalism and Michele Obama.

Please give me back my Salt Lake Tribune — a reasoned and independent voice!.

Dennis Alexander

Salt Lake City