This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

"I will bet my life savings that UTA executives don't ride TRAX."

— Roger Wilco

commenting on the Sept. 2 article, "All aboard the S Line? Not quite for the Salt Lake City streetcar"

"They only ride transit when they go to Europe on fact-finding trips."

— SLCynic

commenting on the above comment

"Well-behaved women seldom make history."


commenting on the Sept. 1 op-ed by Kate Kelly, "As sisters in Zion, inclusion of women is common goal"

"Ill-behaved women (and men) seldom — or rather, never — make it to Heaven. Your choice. Do you want to be popular here on Earth, or do you want eternal salvation?"

— Charlie184

commenting on the above comment

"Since your 'heaven' is lacking evidence of existence, I'd say it's far better to live the best life you can now — the life we know we are living — than to be miserable now and hope there's some magical fairyland after we die."

— Rianya

commenting on the above comment

"I remember a study from decades ago that concluded that sex gets attention from viewers of advertisements. It also prevents most of them from remembering the product. Sex gets your libido, not your cerebellum."

— Skeptical_thinker

commenting on the Sept. 2 AP | article, "Utah women target Carl's Jr. for racy ads"