This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Mr. Papadakis ("Obama as Chamberlain," Aug. 13) obviously was not alive for the last 14 years. George W. Bush created the instability we are now paying for, not to mention the budget deficit by putting two long wars off the books from 2003-2008. He walked away and began painting while leaving all his disastrous mistakes for Obama to cope with.

Mr. Obama is trying to pick up the pieces and bring some order out of the chaos left him. He doesn't want more war or boots on the ground, unlike Sens. McCain and Graham, who get hysterical whenever Israel has a problem.

I am very pro Israel, but, seriously, what can we do about the centuries long Jewish/Muslim conflict? Bomb them out of existence?

And who do we bomb? All of the Middle East is in some kind of chaos, so maybe we should just build a fence (a la the border fence McCain wants) around the whole area and let them kill each other off. As Rodney King said, "Why can't we all just get along?" I'm sure we would all be happy to hear Mr Papadakis' solutions.

But bleaching flags is not the answer. Maybe minding our own business instead of following Wall Street's wishes would help put an end to all the turmoil in the world. Money truly is the root of all evil.

Dorothy Hoffman
