This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

In response to ("New rules help Utah snag immigrants' illegal driver licenses," July 27), interviewees for the article agreed that purging the driver license rolls of immigrants was a benefit to all concerned, especially since, immigrants can easily qualify for the driving privilege card. The article neglected any critical view of the recent immigration legislation which has forced undocumented immigrants deeper into situations of injustice and discrimination. It is worth mentioning that thousands of immigrants qualify for legal status but must wait months or years for their applications to be processed.

Many immigrants experience the driving privilege card as a stigma. Law enforcement officials may use it to profile its holder and make baseless arrests, arrests that in turn trigger Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to detain and deport a person who has committed no crime and otherwise qualifies for a legal status.

Worst, the tone of the quotes is menacing toward immigrants. The interviewees lump immigrants in with sex offenders and refer to the driver license system being "the cleanest it's ever been," which implies immigrants are contaminants. Where was the alternate view or any concern shown for those who must endure the injustice of these policies?

Joanna Straughn

Salt Lake City