This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Christopher Smart's article ("S.L. looks to connect its Ninth and Ninth districts," August 9) regarding making the Ninth South section from State Street to Ninth West into a boulevard was heartening indeed, especially since Volunteers of America is trying to build a homeless youth center on the corner of 900 S. 400 West. The Tribune seems totally unaware of this effort and has published two accounts regarding the Ninth South corridor from Foothill to Ninth West as though it was a done deal. It also appears that VOA's efforts are supported by the city administration.

Where does the City Council sit on this important issue? The VOA has applied for a conditional use permit from the city to allow a 30-bed facility to be built. Since the city has expended several thousands of dollars on planning for the corridor, why are they even allowing the VOA's request? There is no doubt that a homeless shelter will doom the Ninth South corridor. This is a crucial decision that should be acted on now. If you support the VOA, then forget the Ninth South corridor. If you want the corridor, then deny the VOA's request.

Robert Steffensen

Salt Lake City