This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

In the letter ("Homophobia Lives," June 20), Brandon Burt makes many erroneous assumptions. First is the Republican party's dislike of gays. Utah is a very conservative state. The majority of people here want marriage kept as it is defined in the Bible. We have a right to make our voice heard.

He also implies Ramon Swapp in his letter, "Sodomy is still an abomination," is homophobic. The dictionary defines homophobic as showing an irrational hatred, disapproval or fear of homosexuality. There is nothing irrational about disapproval of the act of sodomy. I'm pretty sure Mr. Swapp is not afraid of them, either. Mr. Swapp's views are based on what God says His view is on this practice. He is simply agreeing. Sodomy puts a very distasteful visual in my mind. My view is based on God's word. What is your view based on, Mr. Burt?

Carol Budge

Washington, Utah