This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

When LDS church leaders asked members of the state government to fight against pornography, regulate liquor sales, or stop same-sex marriage, no one ever questioned their motives. Clearly church leaders believe these vices are the ills of our society and God wants them gone. So the "good Mormon politicians" did their duty.

Where are the voices of LDS Church leaders on Medicaid expansion?

I doubt there is a true Christian alive who wouldn't agree that one of the most important commandments Jesus gave us was "to love and help the poor and the sick, especially the children."

Do our Mormon governor and Mormon state leaders believe their political ideology trumps their belief in Jesus?

Has the LDS church become too rich and powerful to be bothered with the mundane teachings of the Lord?

Where is the outcry from other Mormons who still believe?

Carlyle Potter

St. George