This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The BLM, county commissioners and ranchers recognize that certain areas can sustain only a limited number of wild horses before the ecosystem gets irreparably degraded. They can see with their own eyes the damage from horse overpopulation.

Just as the land can only carry so many horses, the same land can sustain only so many people, especially if we extract more and more resources and pollute water and air, the very basics of life. We can see it every winter during inversions, yet the same leaders who clamor to get the horses removed to graze even more destructive cattle to feed an ever growing human population, are stone deaf to any suggestions to limit human population growth. They even boast how fast we add people.

I am not suggesting coercive methods, but can we at least open our eyes and realize that economic growth at all costs operates on the same principle as cancer? Eventually, the host dies and with it the cancer.

Thomas Fritz
