This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

In reference to the Tribune's "Letter of the Week" April 13, why don't they just give plays, movies, TV shows, etc., an alphabetical letter to designate if the contents have anything to do with LBGT or same-sex activities. That way anyone who does not wish to watch will know in advance or just not participate in things that are offensive to them.

We already do it to many events with the "G" rating, "L" rating. and "V" rating. So let's give it an appropriate alphabet letter. Maybe a "D" for different, an "N" for not normal ... and, of course, a "Q" for quit watching things that are offensive. Now turn the page in the Tribune and ... get on with your lives!

Joe Wood

Salt Lake City