This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Before a national and international audience, for their crimes these wanton criminals, acting under the sponsorship of the LDS Church and the franchise of the Boy Scouts of America, have received only a fine and probation for the destruction of an irreplaceable and priceless natural wonder and resource ("Utah goblin topplers given probation," Tribune, March 18).

The unbelievable arrogance of these two scoundrels is second only to the shocking lack of interest both the Legislature and the attorney general have demonstrated for the protection of state parks, resources and property.

The lack of interest at the state level clearly indicates that the state either will not or cannot administer and protect its own property, let alone federal property that the Legislature and its campaign donors covet and attorneys general, past and present, have sworn to pursue and obtain.

The undercharging of this offense leaves me questioning both the motive and skill of the prosecutor and his office. The fact that the judge accepted such an obviously engineered travesty of a "plea deal" leaves me questioning the competence, commitment and motive of the judge.

Jerold D. McPhee

South Salt Lake