This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I grew up in Emigration Canyon before it became so populated and we had to ride our bikes all the time. We rode in the lane facing the traffic so we could see the on-coming car and judge distance to avoid being struck by the vehicle, and the driver of the car could make the same judgment.

We never had a problem with slowing down traffic or any accidents in all the years that I lived up there ("County to study bike safety in Emigration Canyon," Tribune, Feb. 27).

I cringe every time I hear of a car/bike accident even here in the city because it could have been avoided if the biker and the driver of the car could have seen what each other were doing beforehand.

It is a simple answer to avoid many accidents and deaths. Just change the law so bikers can ride facing the oncoming traffic.

Sharon Wood

West Jordan