This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The issue of tax breaks for large families is again before us, and those wishing to avoid paying their fair share are arguing that it is for the good of society that those of us with small families pay to educate their progeny.

Dale T. Ash ("Bigger families benefit society," Forum, Feb. 15) even asserts that large families are needed to replenish our population. In which century was this letter written? I would assume he sees the problems created by overpopulating this beautiful valley. What does he think is causing the pollution and lack of school funding that we grapple with? Not enough people?

He and the others who wish to have large families need to understand that they are not doing the rest of us a favor. They are creating a handcart too big to pull on their own and so want the rest of us to pull harder. It benefits all of us to educate our children, but it should be clear that having more than you can pay for is to the detriment of us all.

So if you don't want to live in the state that pays the least per capita for education, then help pay to educate your own!

Tracy Christiansen

Salt Lake City