This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Topher Webb's article about the snakes omitted the rats that were bred and raised to feed all the snakes ("Utah snake guy finds a new place to nest," Tribune, Jan. 17). They escaped Thomas Cobb's residence and moved to the yards and garages of the surrounding homes. This is what brought the snakes to light. No animal control on his part.

We already have the rats that were here before the valley was settled. I was ordered by the Salt Lake County Health Department to move two cords of split firewood off the ground because of potential rats years before the subdivision where Mr. Cobb kept his snakes was built.

If he wants to practice animal husbandry, he should find a place with agricultural zoning to do it not an R-1 zoned subdivision.

Steve Worcester

Cottonwood Heights