This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Re the gaggle of letters to the Tribune glorifying same-gender aberration:

Judge Robert J. Shelby greatly erred in his legislating that marriage is a constitutional right. There is no such right in the Constitution anywhere — not even for heterosexuals.

Marriage between a man and a woman predates the establishment of any earthly, man-made laws and was created by the Power of Natural Law. The same is also true of this world being populated full of two genders instead of one gender, which was also created by the Power of Natural Law and not by the Constitution.

Natural Law discriminates against two confused people of the same gender marrying since we do not live in a one-gender society. It does not care what people think, feel, believe, or don't believe, or how offended they are. It runs its course perfectly, every time without fail and never makes any mistakes, and it is totally reliable and 100 percent predictable.

Amazingly shocking how many so-called intelligent people there are (including right here in Utah) who cannot comprehend Natural Laws — even federal judges.

Ken Thomas

West Jordan