This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

In a wise democracy, we create laws to discourage behavior we don't want and others to encourage behavior we do. Citing "zoning violations" to close one of the most charming and community-minded eateries in Salt Lake City, serving delicious, creatively prepared food, is decidedly unwise ("After complaint, city closes Avenues Bistro patio," Tribune, Nov. 14).

Kathie Chadbourne complied with all city ordinances when applying for her license for the Avenues Bistro. She built the restaurant with the financial support of hundreds of local investors, eager to see a small restaurant in their neighborhood serving fresh, Utah-produced food.

On her own dime, Chadbourne posted a beautiful plaque to honor a police officer who had been killed near the site of the restaurant many years ago. Now, because of the complaint of one disgruntled neighbor, she must close down her legal patio, a move which would kill her entire business. How is this fair or wise?

If current law says that one irritated neighbor can trump the votes of thousands of patrons, many who live in the neighborhood, and kill the dreams of an amazingly creative and law-abiding entrepreneur, we need to change that law. Now.

Jean Cheney

Salt Lake City