This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Trade meetings were held in Salt Lake City called the Trans-Pacific Partnership ("Trade talks open in Utah, but secrecy spurs protests," Tribune, Nov. 19). I am told that secrecy is typical for trade meetings, even though this treaty would affect laws concerning food safety, Internet freedom, (freedom of speech and expression), medicine costs, financial regulation, the environment and more.

It is said to be a binding international agreement that would require countries that sign on to conform their domestic policies to its rules.

I have lost trust that we still uphold our "separation of powers" ethic. I am nervous that this could be one more dangerous piece of legislation passed before it is fully read and studied. It has been referred to as the largest economic treaty ever.

Renee C. Green
